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Custom rates on processing fees
If your annual sales exceed $250,000 with an average ticket size of over $15, our sales team can help find the right transaction rate for you!
When a customer taps, dips, or swipes their card in person, you pay 2.25% + 10¢ per transaction. There is a lower risk of fraudulent activity when the cardholder is present.
When you manually key in a customer’s card details or use a card on file, the fee is 2.75% + 30¢. The fee increase goes directly to the card issuing bank to help mitigate the risk of fraud and protect you.
2.6% + .10¢
2.9% + .30¢
2.25% + .10¢
3.5% + .15¢
2.9% + .30¢
2.75% + .30¢
Have a question or want more information? We are here to help!